Biscotti cookies are one of my children’s favorite snacks during the colder months. We like to pair them with Holy Basil tea from Mountain Mike’s or with Spearmint tea. I find that pairing with mint helps ease irritation from my gum maybe due to the effect mint has on the blood sugar level. But enjoy them however you like! Biscotti is one of the fewer foods that I can eat when my stomach is irritated. I baked them with the desire to share this blessing with you as well.
My biscotti cookies are made with high quality ingredients (Ingredients: Organic All-Purpose Flour, Organic Sugar, Organic Eggs, Organic Grass-Fed Butter, Non-GMO Aluminum-Free Baking Powder, Organic Unsulphured Molasses, Organic Stone Ground Anise Seeds, Himalayan Pink Salt). I used to sell them at a lower price until I realized that it was not covering all the taxes that I have to pay! Hence the price increase but quality remain the same. I pre-pack them for you in freezer bags in case you would like to freeze them for longer storage.
Gift wrapping is complementary for Quart-size bags at request. Feel free to contacting me with questions or concerns via text or phone at 603-8763 or by email at:
I am approved by Panhandle Health District to sell these cookies. They are prepared in a kitchen that is not subject to regulation and inspection by the regulatory authority.
Storage Information
Our family usually store biscotti in a wide-mouth glass jar with some paper towel in it to help absorb moisture to keep the cookies crisp for longer. I have read that it would be ideal to store them in a cookie tin to help reflect the light away to keep the cookies fresh longer, which makes sense.
“The average shelf-life of biscotti is 2 weeks for maximum crunchiness. However, if you store it carefully in an airtight container at room temperature, biscotti can last for up to a month. In the freezer, biscotti will stay at its best for 3 months.” (Quoted from https://pantryandlarder.com/how-to-store-biscotti/)
We have never had to crisp up room temperature biscotti again, but if you need to, Pantry and Larder website suggests to crisp a batch up in the oven for 5 mins at 250 degrees Fahrenheit or a single biscuit in the microwave for 10 seconds. Or for frozen biscotti you can try what another website (https://freezemania.com/how-to-freeze-biscotti-tips/) suggests: “Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and place the frozen biscotti on a baking sheet. Bake for 5-7 minutes or until the biscotti is heated through and crisp.”